Nature Teacher: We may be One but We are Not the Same

Red ripened and green beefsteak tomatoes on the vine

Gardening teaches me so much about living life. Besides providing quiet time to regenerate, and avoid constant interruptions of marketing ploys or messages that can wait, gardening offers opportunities to look more deeply into life. Stepping into the tomato patch today, I notice some are ripened red, some still green, some are somewhere along the …

3: Omne Trium Perfectum – Making Sense of it All

ancient grey stone triskelion

Lucky Three or NotThings come in threes beleaguers my thoughts. A month ago, I received word that my beloved border collie, Bess, passed away while I traveled in Scotland. Last week I received word that my best male friend from college passed away. Memories flash of the three close friends I lost a few years …

Multilingual without Words…

I communicate in many languages.  But my lexicon doesn't contain words per se.  No, I'm not talking about texting but of a communication so beautiful no words are necessary. In seasonal poetry gatherings each of us brings a random poem to read aloud.  The words we share are not our own but the understanding we …

Nature Teacher: The Natural Timing of Things

Plants wither and die in time as we experience it. Everlasting physical beauty is contrary if not impossible or simply a matter of perception. Why tamper with the natural timing of life? Shriveled leaves talk of acceptance. They do not worry. Crinkles speak of wisdom. It is humans who do not understand and self-inflict suffering, …

Fish in the Grass

Heavy rains make weeds grow freely but also easier to remove. Rainstorms flood the pond. Fish are swimming in the yard. Not so lucky for them but the heron is happy for food and the grass will be fertilized. This is my gardener's perspective on a Chinese folk story called "An Old Man Lost His …